The Do It Yourself Dilemma, the Pro and Cons of Epoxy Installation.
Why Not DIY?
It is true that you can purchase epoxy-flooring materials from a retail vendor and with some practice and experience it is possible you could install your own epoxy flooring and/or other flooring materials. However, self-installation is not recommended, especially in commercial settings. If you are seeking a professional high-end result that will remain effective for the longest duration possible and serve as an efficient and successful deterrent to slips and falls with optimal visual appeal, then professional installation is highly recommended.
Among some of the problems with self-installation are inadequate instruction, decreased product support, costly equipment rental, short pot life and less than expected results. The products a typical consumer is able to purchase at a do-it-yourself home improvement store are a weaker version of the industrial products we use. Our distributors actually require factory certification just to allow us to buy these materials.
The products available to you as a consumer are a low solids product, which means they are more like paint than epoxy. Knowing the difference between 100% solids epoxy and a water-based epoxy is important. It can make a world of difference when considering what product to purchase for your project.
Epoxy floor coatings in particular are difficult to install due to consistency and the nature of installation and curing process.

Epoxy Installation on a Tug Boat
Some epoxy systems can begin to cure within 30 minutes! If you don’t get your application perfect before the product begins to cure your whole job is subject to ruin. Sadly, we often get calls where someone has mixed hundreds or thousands of dollars’ of product and it cured (got hard) before they got it on the floor.
Floor Prep
Another common problem with self-installation is improper preparation of existing flooring. This can drastically reduce the performance of products made specifically for the general handyman and sold at retail outlets. Removing the laitance from your floor surface is key to success. Many of the how to videos on YouTube and other places suggest that acid washing is sufficient and that simply is not true. Acid washing a floor will not properly prepare your floor to receive any kind of floor coating that you want to stick long term.
Quality Products
At Slip Free Systems we use only the highest quality commercial grade products and equipment. Our installation crews are knowledgeable and professional. Self-installation often ends with results that require professional correction. This correction also means additional cost to the initial project.
Do you really want to risk your time and money only to end up with a finished product that will not adhere properly to your existing floor? How will it feel when you discover your product warranty is void due to improper installation?
Acid Washing is Pointless
Do not be fooled, acid washing the surface is not an effective means of floor preparation. Acid washing will only address surface contaminants by breaking down the molecules in grease and oil. Acid washing will not prepare the surface to receive the epoxy primer. Laitance must be removed by shotblasting or diamond grinding prior to application. Failure to perform proper prep will lead to adhesion failure and hot tire pick up.
Shopping List
Still think you want to try to DIY? Collect a few friends, your materials, the equipment rental, the epoxy, the buckets, squeegees (2 sizes), rollers and roller cages. Get denatured alcohol, rags, crack and joint repair materials and the host of other items you need. Watch countless hours of how-to videos making sure to tune in to the ones that were disasters, so you know what to watch for.
Time is of the Essence
Remember, if you run into a hiccup, there’s no time to phone a friend for help. Most epoxies will cure in the bucket in less than 30 minutes. Some polyurethane cure faster than that. Have a game plan in place, make sure everyone on your team is on the same page. Follow the directions EXACTLY. Once the materials are mixed be ready to rock and roll.
Not so sure this is a DIY project you want to tackle?
With Slip Free Systems you can expect a crew of trained professionals to install high quality products using heavy duty commercial equipment and expertise. With over 30 years of experience, we are able to see problems before they arise. We are able to implement procedures for optimal results based on your specific flooring conditions.
Hazards such as chemically treated surfaces, moisture intolerant surfaces and/or oil and grease penetrated surfaces can drastically alter textbook installation causing horrific results unless professionally applied.
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